Friday, January 9, 2015


Best Blogging Buddies Award
Lol! How do I get awards when I SUCK AT BLOGGING! LOL Anywho! Autumn (my blogging bestie) awarded me with this award so THANKIES!!
- You must make a post to show your award on your main blog.
- You must tag the person who nominated you in your post (also take the cute owl on the left with you!).
- You must nominate all of your best buddies, and those whom you want to become best buddies with, who, to your knowledge, have not been nominated for this award.
- You must ask your buddies at least 15 questions in your post.
- You must answer all of the questions your buddies ask you on your post.
1. Have a night out or an evening in?
Definitely a evening in. Idk why I just like the idea of sitting my comfy bed with my laptop and have internet time. LOL I'm so antisocial.  

2. What is your favorite memory?
Well this is going to be long but its AWESOME! So I go to this Tamil (my native language) Church on Saturday and a couple of years ago, it was about the same time of year and we had just ended and it was lightly snowing. All the parents were cleaning the cars. It was really dark because we end around 8 and the only light was the light post in the parking lot and all the kids were playing under the light post and it was like a scene from a movie. It was so much fun just playing in the snow. It's like forgetting all the cares in the world and just twirling in the falling snow under a lamp post. :)

3. What does your perfect day look like?
Well I have many ideas of perfect days, but right now a perfect day would be a snow day, no school, no work, just me sitting in my bed with my laptop watching the snow falling in my neighborhood. (SO ANTISOCIAL ITS SAD)

4. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
Now I have never thought about going back in time. I think I would either go back to 6th grade or when I was really little so I could see little baby me.

5.What would you like to eat for your last meal?
WELL THEN.... IDK? I really don't know. That's why (this is going to sound weird) I like the idea that we will never know what day is our last, that's why you have to seize that day and make it big because it might be your last. So every meal I eat I like to savor it (especially CHOCOLATE) because it might just be my last. WOW THAT GOT DEEP LIKE THE MARIANA TRENCH! LOL

6.What has been your best moment of this year (so far)?
Well I'm 8 days in the year and I guess the best moment so far was the 2 hour delays I have had for the past two days. It's so nice to be able to sleep in, even if it's only a couple of hours.

7.Worst gift you have ever received?
It's funny that you asked this because we had to write a prompt on this the first day we got back (which was Monday) and I had to make mine up because I couldn't think of one. And I still can't think of one. So I will just the use the made up one... expired chocolates. LOL

8.Favorite song lyric?
Oceans- Hillsong
Enchanted- Taylor Swift
Hello My Name Is..-Matthew West
Never Be - 5 Seconds of Summer
9.If you were given a day without any of you everyday responsibilities, what would you do with that day?
Well.... I feel like school is probably one of my only daily responsibilities, and it causes the rest like homework and such. I would probably sit on YouTube the whole day, or I would go to school but just hang out with friends instead of go to class.
10.Describe yourself in 3 words.
I was thinking long and hard about this question, and I thought it would be fun if you (the reader) would comment 3 words to describe ME!
11.What's a skill you would like to learn and why?
I would like to learn many skills/things. I would like to learn how to play the bass, because the bass is a pretty cool instrument. I would like to learn how to edit photos and make them look cool like this:
I would also like to learn... Ummm I think that's it. Ohh I want to edit pictures because I think they are super cool and I want to be able to make my own.
12.Describe the perfect pizza.
Well, it's pretty simple, I LOVE pineapple on pizza, so it would a pizza with pineapple, cheese, and chicken, a lot like the pizza I just had. I'm not a very picky person and I don't really know if NUTELLA would taste good on pizza.
13.What question do you hate to answer?
Those questions, that your teacher calls on a random person to answer and I always get the hardest question and it's so annoying.
14.How do you start a conversation with someone you've never met?
Hiya! I'm Sarah! (Insert weird question that makes you look like an idiot)
15.Favorite word.
Quaint Or Cheeky
LOL (BTW That's Jack Harries MY BAE LOL I'm weird)
AND NOW FOR WHO I NOMINATE! I do not know a lot of bloggers so I have 2 people!
1. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
2. If you could switch bodies for a day with anyone in the whole world who would it be?
3. If I gave you a puppy what would you name it?
4. First word that comes to your mind. NOW!
5. OTP? (If you don't know what it is LOOK IT UP)
6. Celeb Crush?
7. Favorite quote?
8. A joke to break the ice?
9. If you could dye your hair any color what would it be?
10. Who's your role model?
11. When you were really little what did you want to be when you grew up?
12. What would you do if your crush asked you out?
13. Favorite thing about winter?
14. Guitar or Drums? ;)
15. Who do you think deserves more attention then they do?
If you (the reader) want to answer some of these questions down below!!!

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